Pensando em comprar uma arte?

Check-out how I price a commission piece.Payments via PayPal and Stripe!

Character Illustrations services

BustHalf BodyFull Body
Rendered Line art25$35$45$
Fully Rendered Painting35$45$55$

Any sketch illustration with a simple background costs 15$

-Each additional character will add a 100% amount of the base price to the total cost of the art.- Adding a complex drawn background will cost 10$ extra-I may charge a little more if I deem the request to be complex enough.

Character Design services

Complete Character Reference Sheet: 35$

I can make a Reference Sheet with any layout and features that you wish for any pre-existing character.

Simple Character Sketch Design Creation: 30$

I can sketch up a design and create a character for you from a text description and reference images.

Deep customized Character Sketch Design Creation: 50$

I can design and create a character from a text description and reference images, but the client will be able to actively choose how the different elements of the character will look depending on their preference until the character is fully created through a special option filled designing process.

Requests for a simple/deep character design sketch commission followed by a reference sheet for the recently created character will grant a 10% discount to the total price of the request!

And rememeber that:

I WILL draw:
- Anthro characters
- Fan art
- Modern and sci-fi firearms and other weapons
- Mechanical and robotic body parts
- Some blood and light injury

I will NOT draw:
- Extreme gore
- Political content
- Hateful content
- Other art styles
- Extremely and overly complex backgrounds

If you are interested in making a request to get something that you want done, then I recommend visiting my ToS page before requesting a commission from me so you can understand how I do my service.